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John Mears and Joan Mears

John became involved with merry-go-rounds and carousel animals when his brother-in-law, Tom Layton, began renovating carousels at Cedar Point. In a few years, carving and painting animals – as well as repairing carousels – became a family project. John created the design with a ribbon of carousel animals revolving around the lighthouse for this exhibit and then engaged his sister-in-law, Joan Mears, to paint the animals. John lives with his wife Judy in Sandusky.

Joan “Joni” Baker Mears graduated from Ohio University. Joan is married to James Mears, John’s brother; she and her husband are retired from the Sandusky City Schools. They have three children and five grandchildren. Wherever they travel, Joni scouts for rocks that can be transformed into whimsical, one-of-a-kind landscapes, buildings, animals, or people. Joni also has designed Landscape Timber People.

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American Red Cross, Firelands Chapter Merry-Go-Round Museum United Way of Erie County, Ohio
Sponsored by: American Red Cross Firelands Chapter,
Merry-Go-Round Museum and United Way of Erie County

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